Upper Body

Upper Body

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Upper Body
  • Upper Body Ladder Workout with Dumbbells

    Hit the pecs, shoulders, triceps, lats and mid-back muscles with this KILLER ladder-style upper body workout. Options are shown using a BOSU/stability ball, and modifications are given if you hate push-ups :).

    Your arms will be like noodles after this workout. You are going to love it!!

    Day 3...

  • Arms & Shoulders Strengthening Workout

    This arms and shoulders strengthening workout is NO JOKE! Working in tri-sets we will target the triceps, biceps and then shoulders. Choose heavier weights for this workout, because our focus will be on slow & controlled reps so you can really build your strength.

    And... stay till the end for a...

  • Push, Pull, Hinge & Squat Strength Workout

    Work the foundational exercise patterns of the body that are responsible for every movement you make - push, pull, hinge, and squat(with the 5th, carry, covered as we hold onto the dumbbells for the exercises).

    While these exercises are equated as "workout" exercises, they are movements we pe...

  • Quick Arms & Abs Workout

    This 20-minute arms & abs workout is the perfect little strength workout for those days you need something quick.

    Focusing on the same muscle for 2-3 sets you'll feel the burn as we hit the biceps, triceps and ab. Osteoporosis-friendly ab exercises are also demo'ed.

    Day 18 of the 21-Day Fit &...

  • Chest and Back Workout [SUPERSETTING FUN!]

    We start this gem of a workout off with a BANG! We begin with a chest and then an upper back Tabata, and follow it with a superset circuit workout focussing on the chest and back muscles.

    PS - I hope your equipment doesn't fail ya as mine did 😆. You'll see what I mean in our 2nd Tabata.

    Day 1...

  • Amazing Arms with Pilates

    There is a slew of different ways you can work your arms. You can turn to traditional strength training a la push-ups, hop onto a machine like an elliptical or a rower, try a boxing workout, or take a shortcut and try this Pilates arm workout that uses light weights and a band for a killer burn. ...

  • Advanced Chair Strength Workout

    If you cannot perform any weight-bearing exercises and need a no-impact strength workout you are going to LOVE this chair strength workout.

    Focusing on supersetting the front & back of the body, you'll hit all the muscles in the upper body, as well as your core. We are seated for the entire tim...

  • Seated Arm Workout

    Day 4 - 10 Day No Impact Fitness Program. Today we superset with a bicep exercise, followed by a tricep exercise, three sets a circuit. Make sure you choose heavy enough weights, because our focus today is on fewer reps, with great form.

    And... I have a special bicep finisher for us at the end ...

  • Upper Body Strength Workout - No Standing

    Day 9 - 10-Day No Impact Fitness Program. Using some dumbbells, you will strengthen your upper body all while lying down. This is the perfect no-impact workout!

    Tools: a pair of moderate and light dumbbells & a mat

  • Front Body Release for the Back

    Day 10 - 14-Day Happy Back Series.

    In this session, you'll begin with two upper back strengthening exercises and then follow it with two pec and anterior deltoid stretches.

    Chest stretches are an important posture muscle to stretch because it quite often is tight on people because of the acti...

  • Thoracic Spine Love

    Day 13 - 14-Day Happy Back Series.

    Your thoracic spine (t-spine), is your mid-back and becomes immobile with age, poor posture and/or increased sitting. When the thoracic spine is immobile, the lumbar spine will, unfortunately, pick up the slack and compensate for the lack of movement in the th...

  • Help Your Joints Series - Shoulders

    In this practice, you’ll learn what a Controlled Articular Rotation is for the shoulder and we’ll go through yoga movements and mobility drills to unlock the full range of motion that is available for the shoulder.

    Shoulder mobility impacts the neck and spine so this is a great practice to expl...

  • Help Your Joints Series - Spine

    This is all about the thoracic spine (the largest part of the spine- at the upper back and ribcage).

    Move through release postures, breathing exercises and a yoga and mobility flow. Explore all the ways the thoracic spine can move while you unlock restrictions and release held tension.

    The th...

  • Upper Body Strength

    Day 8 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series. Join Tamara in this upper body strength workout. We'll alternate pushing and pulling exercises that target the muscles of the shoulders, chest, arms and back, all while avoiding bearing weight on the toes.

    Equipment: 2 sets of dumbbells, fit lo...

  • All Standing Upper Body Strength Workout

    Using just a couple of pairs of dumbbells you'll hit your upper body muscles with this all-standing strength workout. Be prepared to feel the burn - especially in the shoulders.

    Also, stick around until the end for my special tricep finisher. It's the perfect tricep strengthening series if you ...

  • No Repeat Upper Body Strength Workout

    Join me for this fun, no-repeat upper body strength workout. You'll feel the burn as we flow through the same muscle groups, back-to-back for a series of exercises before we move on to target a different area of the upper body.

    Using only dumbbells you'll hit all muscles of the upper body - wit...

  • The Best Shoulder & Tricep Workout with Dumbbells

    Sculpt your shoulders and tone those triceps with this shoulder workout using only a couple pairs of dumbbells. Follow along for the whole workout, and make sure you stay till the end for a smoking shoulder & tricep finisher.

    Tools: a pair of light & moderate dumbbells, light tubing for the war...

  • Shoulder Warm-up Exercises with Bands

    Need to get your shoulders warmed up? Or maybe you have a rotator cuff issue or a frozen shoulder. These shoulder warm-up exercises are great for either reason.

    Using an exercise band (thera-band) and bodyweight exercises you'll hit the rotator cuff and deltoids and work on your shoulder range ...

  • Supersetting Upper Body Strength

    Day 2 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.

    An all-upper body strength workout, combining large and small muscle work. Grab a mini-band for the warmup and 2-3 sets of dumbbells for the circuit work. If you want to incorporate a little extra core, have a BOSU on hand to use as a bench.

    Tools: boo...

  • Upper Body Strength

    Day 8 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.

    An all-upper body strength workout, combining large and small muscle work. We'll be working pairs of exercises, Tabata-style, with moderate to heavy weights.

    Tools: pair of moderate & heavy dumbbells

  • Upper Body Burn

    Day 19 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge. This workout focuses on upper body strength. We'll start standing, move to a kneeling position and end up on the floor. Grab two to three sets of dumbbells. A small, rolled-up towel on hand to cushion your knee from the floor during exercises performed f...

  • Upper Body Supersetting

    Superset your chest and back muscles, followed by biceps and triceps, in this super-setting upper body strength circuit. As usual, I give a little extra love to our triceps, so your arms look smoking 🔥.

    Day 3 of the Unstoppable Challenge.

    Tools: a couple of pairs of moderate dumbbells

    2 x 40...

  • Chest & Tricep Scorching Strength Workout

    Using tri-sets, you will focus on the same exercise, playing with unilateral and tempo training principles. This workout will get those pecs, shoulders and triceps sizzling!

    My chest and arms were so sore the next day. You are going to love this one!

    We also finished off with a tricep and ab ...

  • Back and Bicep Strength Workout

    Strengthen your back and bicep muscles! Using an advanced training technique called drop set training, we focus on completing a set until failure, and then we lighten the load by 10–30% and repeat, with little to no rest in between sets. This type of training will maximize muscle strength.

    Day ...