Osteo-Friendly Workouts

Osteo-Friendly Workouts

Workouts that are safe for those who have
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteopenia
NOTE: the workout itself will be osteo-friendly, some of the stretches/cool downs may not be. If you have osteoporosis, please sub out any twisting or spinal flexion if they are encountered during the stretch part.

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Osteo-Friendly Workouts
  • 15-Minute Yummy Leg Stretches

    Stretch and release your legs with this relaxing 15-minute stretch session. We will focus on your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and hip flexors.

    This is the perfect stretch session for after a workout, run or bike ride - and it's a great active recovery workout too.

    Day 15 of the 21-Day Fit ...

  • Push, Pull, Hinge & Squat Strength Workout

    Work the foundational exercise patterns of the body that are responsible for every movement you make - push, pull, hinge, and squat(with the 5th, carry, covered as we hold onto the dumbbells for the exercises).

    While these exercises are equated as "workout" exercises, they are movements we pe...

  • EMOM Cardio Workout - No Equipment

    WOWSERS! That's all I got to say about this EMOM cardio workout. Whether you hate cardio or love it, you will be favouriting this special EMOM workout.

    Each minute we are changing the exercise, with rep counts shown for beginners, intermediate and advanced exercisers.

    You will be challenged i...

  • Quick Arms & Abs Workout

    This 20-minute arms & abs workout is the perfect little strength workout for those days you need something quick.

    Focusing on the same muscle for 2-3 sets you'll feel the burn as we hit the biceps, triceps and ab. Osteoporosis-friendly ab exercises are also demo'ed.

    Day 18 of the 21-Day Fit &...

  • Leg Day w/ Dumbbells

    Target the thighs, glutes and hips with this leg day workout! We'll cycle through 5 compound lower body exercises alternating between a squat/lunge pattern and a hinge pattern.

    This type of programming will ensure we hit all the muscles in the front and back of the body (hello hamstrings and gl...

  • Dumbbell Quick MetCon

    This quick strength and cardio workout is the perfect metabolic conditioning sweat-sesh to get you even closer to your fitness goals.

    Low impact options are shown - so no matter where you are on in your fitness journey you'll get a workout that is best for you!

    Day 21 of the 21-Day Fit & Fier...

  • Chest and Back Workout [SUPERSETTING FUN!]

    We start this gem of a workout off with a BANG! We begin with a chest and then an upper back Tabata, and follow it with a superset circuit workout focussing on the chest and back muscles.

    PS - I hope your equipment doesn't fail ya as mine did 😆. You'll see what I mean in our 2nd Tabata.

    Day 1...

  • Cardio & Core

    Lift your heart rate and challenge your core strength in 30 minutes using just your body weight. You’ll keep the rest time short and the intensity high to push your body to a whole new level.

    Low impact options are shown, as well as osteo-friendly ab exercises.

    And be sure to stick around unt...


    This beginner cardio HIIT workout is all standing, easy on the knees, and low impact.

    And... in a separate screen, I show the more advanced version of the exercise if you are at an intermediate/advanced level and want a spicer workout.

    Choose either screen to follow, or do a bit of both.


  • Cardio + Strength Training with Dumbbells

    Using Tabatas of low-impact mobility drills before, and in-between our strength drills we will get our heart rates up, as well as work our range of motion.

    If you're lacking the motivation to get your workout in - this little gem of a cardio & strength workout will get you going!

    Lots of diff...

  • EMOM Cardio + Abs

    Get your heart rate up, and hit those abs with this FUN EMOM cardio and abs workout. Using one moderate dumbbell, or kettlebell, you'll rotate through 4 different compound exercises, with a heavy emphasis on the abs and deep core muscles.

    Osteo & low back-friendly ab options are shown, as well ...

  • Lower Body Endurance Workout

    Wow - get ready for some sore thighs after this workout 😂. Using lighter weights, and more reps, we will target the thighs, hips, glutes (and even your core!) with this endurance strength training lower body workout.

    And you'll realize fairly quickly that you're in for the workout of your life ...

  • Low Impact Cardio HIIT

    Short, sweet and spicy! This workout is perfect for any level - trainer's promise.

    As I coach us on the main screen with a low-impact cardio HIIT, mini-me on the smaller screen will demo how to spice up the moves, as well as offer alternatives if push-ups aren't your jam.

    Using bodyweight we ...

  • BOSU Ball [OPTIONAL] Strength & Cardio Workout

    You are in for a ton of sweaty fun with this strength and cardio ladder workout! Using the BOSU ball (optional) and a pair of heavy dumbbells we'll hit it all.

    And, in addition to strengthening the upper and lower body, I've also thrown in some thigh-burning cardio drills to keep your heart rat...

  • 10-Minute Strength & Stretch for the Low Back

    Day 1 - 14-Day Happy Back Series

    If you've ever had back pain, or you simply want to avoid it, this little workout is for you.

    Using 4 of my favourite back exercises you will strengthen the posterior chain of the body (as well as learn how to hinge, instead of bend through your low back), work...

  • Strength HIIT Workout with Dumbbells & TRX & BOSU [OPTIONAL]

    Train like a pro with this strength HIIT workout. Using dumbbells, and optional a TRX and BOSU, you will hit every muscle, with two different circuits, and then finish off with a circuit for the arms & shoulders.

    Alternative exercises will be shown for the TRX and BOSU exercises using dumbbells...

  • Bone Building Exercises to Prevent Osteoporosis

    Do you have osteoporosis or osteopenia? Are you looking for a workout that will help build the bone? Using all standing exercises you will challenge your muscles and balance, while also building the bone.

    This is the perfect bone-building workout for any woman!

    And make sure you stick around ...

  • Bone Health - Bone Overview

    Part 1 of our 4-Part Bone Health Series. This video will introduce you to the core nutrition concepts around ensuring you've got strong and healthy bones into your fifties and beyond.

    Learn about how our bones are living tissue, what they’re made up of, and why we are seeing such an increase i...

  • Bone Health - Important Nutrients for Bone Health

    Part 2 of our 4-Part Bone Health Series. You probably think of calcium for bone health. And you’re right – that’s so important!

    But it’s much more complicated than that. We will focus on the other essential nutrients necessary for our structural system, along with my top tips on getting these ...

  • Bone Health - Collagen

    Part 3 of our 4-Part Bone Health Series. In this third video in our Bone Health series, we will cover the importance of collagen – what it is, and why you should care about it if you’re focusing on bone health.

    Well, it’s the foundation upon which our structural system is built and is a crucia...

  • Bone Health - Digestion & Absorption

    Part 4 of our 4-Part Bone Health Series. Learn how bringing it back to basics and optimizing digestion and absorption can impact your bone health. You'll also learn some of our top tips to support better digestion that you can quickly and easily add to your routine.

  • Osteoporosis & Exercise

    In this episode of Ask PJ Anything:
    - Recommendations on exercise and osteoporosis
    - What not to do when working out, if you have osteoporosis?
    - Should you be taking collagen, if you have osteoporosis?

  • No Crunch Abs [OSTEO-FRIENDLY]

    Day 5 of the 21-Day Ab Challenge. No crunches, or spinal flexion in this ab workout - making it the perfect osteoporosis-friendly workout too.

    Tools: mat

  • Osteo-Friendly Ab Workout

    Day 11 of the 21-Day Ab Challenge. Absolutely no crunches in this workout, making it perfect for anyone with osteoporosis or spinal stenosis.

    Tools: mat