

Tamara has been a Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Third Age Leader and Kettlebell Coach since 2008. She exercises for the ‘sport of life’; to keep herself active and strong and able to do all the extracurricular activities she loves - without pain and for many years to come. Besides teaching classes at her local recreation centre, she has also run online fitness programs, led workshops for fellow instructors, written articles for popular magazines and published the exercise book, “Ultimate Booty Workouts”.

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  • Dumbbells & TRX Total Body Strength

    Day 2 of our 7-Day TRX Challenge. An intermediate whole body strength workout, combining dumbbells and the TRX.
    Tools: TRX, dumbbells

  • Total Body Blitz with the TRX

    Day 1 of our 7-Day TRX Challenge. A short and sweet, all levels, total body strength, cardio and core workout. All you need are your TRX and a mat.

  • TRX Circuit Workout

    Day 5 of our 7-Day TRX Challenge. A short, circuit-style, whole-body strength, cardio and core workout, with knee-friendly, low-impact options provided.

  • TRX Core, Mobility & Stretch

    Day 4 of our 7-Day TRX Challenge. An all-level restorative class focusing on dynamic chest, shoulder and hip-opening moves to counteract the effects of our modern lifestyle.

    You’ll need your TRX and a yoga mat.

  • Supersetting TRX Strength

    Day 7 of our 7 Day TRX Challenge. An all levels, superset strength workout, combining dumbbells and the TRX.

  • TRX Strength + Cardio

    Day 6 of our 7 Day TRX Challenge. An intermediate level, circuit-style, whole-body strength, cardio and core workout, with knee-friendly, low-impact options provided.

  • Kettlebell Total Body Strength

    A quick, whole body kettlebell strength workout, with a focus on single-sided movements to increase core activation. Dumbbells can be used in place of kettlebells.

    Equipment: 2 kettlebells (or dumbbells), one light to moderate, one moderate to heavy

  • Kettlebell Tips How to Swing the Kettlebell

    Tamara demos the right way to swing a kettlebell so you get the most out of the exercise - without hurting your low back. A must-watch if you own a kettlebell!

  • Quick Kettlebell HIIT

    A short, but intense whole body kettlebell HIIT workout. Longer intervals, compound movements and a moderate to heavy kettlebell will challenge both your muscles and your aerobic capacity. A dumbbell can be used in place of the kettlebell, although some exercises won’t flow quite as easily.


  • Bodyweight-Only Strength Workout

    A whole-body strength and conditioning workout you can do in your hotel room, you know when you go on vacation again.
    Knee-friendly options provided.
    Equipment: None

  • Quick Upper Body Workout

    A short, all levels, upper body workout targeting the muscles of the chest and back. Do it as a stand-alone workout or tack it on the end of cardio or lower body strength day. All you need are a couple of sets of dumbbells.
    Equipment: 2 sets of dumbbells

  • Quick Bicep & Triceps Workout

    A short, all levels, upper body workout to build your biceps and tone your triceps. Do it as a stand-alone workout or tack it on the end of cardio or lower body strength day. Choose heavy enough weights to challenge your muscles by the end of each exercise.
    Equipment: 2 sets of dumbbells

  • Total Body BOSU [Optional] Blast

    An intermediate whole-body cardio, strength and core interval-style workout. Don’t have a Bosu? All movements can be performed on the floor. Knee, shoulder, Osteo- and wrist-friendly options provided.

    Equipment: Moderate dumbbells + mat, Bosu (optional)

    For after-workout stretches if you have ...

  • Knee-Friendly All Lower Body Strength

    An all-lower body strength workout, with knee-friendly options.

    Combine this workout with any of our upper body or core workouts if you’re looking to extend your training time.

    Equipment: dumbbells, booty band and a yoga mat

  • All Strength EMOM

    A short, but intense, whole-body strength workout. This is a two-exercise workout; we’ll be alternating between the two moves, performing 10 reps of exercise one at the start of all ‘odd’ minutes and 6 reps of exercise two at the start of all ‘even’ minutes. Expect these minutes to become more ch...

  • On the Ball Abs

    An all levels, all abs workout using just your body weight and a stability ball. Osteo-friendly options provided.

    Equipment: Stability ball, yoga mat

    For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this: https://overfiftyfitness.vhx.tv/videos/stretches-for-osteoporosis

  • All You Need is a Bench - Strength Workout

    Intermediate, whole-body strength workout that requires only a bench and you; the higher the bench, the harder the workout. For a little extra challenge, try holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides for the leg moves. Bench-free alternatives will be provided.

    Equipment: A weight bench, Reebok s...

  • Total Body Strength - Bunion Friendly

    Day 1 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series.

    An all-levels whole-body, bunion-friendly functional strength workout. This 8-exercise dumbbell circuit will challenge all the large muscle groups of the body, without triggering bunion pain.

    Tools: a pair of moderate & heavy dumbbells

  • Low Impact Bunion-Friendly Cardio Tabata

    Day 2 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series.

    An all-level low-impact cardio workout, with bunion-friendly options provided. All moves will be performed from the standing position, no equipment is required.

  • Core & Mobility - Bunion Friendly

    Day 3 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series.

    All-levels mobility and core class, focusing on dynamic chest, shoulder and hip-openers, balance and core strengthening exercises. We'll start the workout on our feet and transition to the floor.

    Tools: mat

  • Bunion-Friendly Lower Body Strength

    Day 4 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series.

    An all-levels lower body strength, with bunion-friendly options provided. This workout focuses on the muscles of the lower body and core. Now's the time to grab those heavy weights and test your leg strength!

    Tools: heavy and moderate dumbbel...

  • Foot Care Stretch & Mobility

    Day 5 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series.

    A short routine to improve mobility and flexibility in the calves, ankles and toes. Try adding this sequence of stretches to the end of your workouts two to three times a week. Or after a hike, run or pickleball session. Exercises are best per...

  • Total Body Strength & Cardio

    Day 6 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series. A whole-body, bunion-friendly metabolic conditioning workout. This combination of compound strength exercises and cardio intervals will ensure you get your heart rate up, all without triggering bunion pain.

    Equipment: 2 sets of dumbbells, BOSU ...

  • HIIT Abs & Stretch

    Day 7 of the 10-Day Bunion Friendly Fitness Series. A moderate to high intensity, quick cardio and core workout. Low impact, bunion-friendly options provided.

    Equipment: yoga mat, light dumbbells (optional)