Osteo-Friendly Workouts

Osteo-Friendly Workouts

Workouts that are safe for those who have
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteopenia
NOTE: the workout itself will be osteo-friendly, some of the stretches/cool downs may not be. If you have osteoporosis, please sub out any twisting or spinal flexion if they are encountered during the stretch part.

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Osteo-Friendly Workouts
  • Full Body AMRAP

    This workout is spicy. Using the training principle 'as many rounds as possible' (AMRAPS), you'll get your heart rate up, work your abs and hit your legs. This is the perfect "I hate cardio" workout. You'll love it!

    Osteoporosis and beginner-friendly options are shown.

    Day 9 of the 15-Day Igni...

  • Lower Body & Abs MetCon

    This workout is a BIG one - but you will be so proud once you're done. We start this lower body and abs metcon (metabolic conditioning) with a glute activation series, then we move into a deep core and ab series and then into our main course, a full-body metcon circuit!

    Get your heart pumping an...

  • Killer Abs Tabata

    This workout will hit those abs like no other! My abs were feeling the Tabata love for a couple of days after filming this workout. In this Tabata, you'll perform a series of ab and deep core exercises and some standing ab exercises that will also drive that heart rate up.

    Osteoporosis and begin...

  • Upper Body Compound Exercises MetCon

    Drive your heart rate up with this upper body metcon (metabolic conditioning). By using compound exercises, you'll hit your muscles while also getting a nice conditioning effect and calorie burn. And don't worry; we don't completely forget about your legs. They're along for the fun too!


  • Bodyweight Total Body Tabata Cardio

    Using only your bodyweight, we'll drive that heart rate and move those legs and arms with this total-body Tabata. You're going to want to favourite this video for the next time you go away. It's the perfect no-equipment, total body workout.

    Osteoporosis and beginner-friendly options are shown.


  • Low Impact Cardio EMOM

    Using bodyweight only, you'll work the legs, core, and upper body and blast a ton of calories in this fun EMOM (every minute on the minute). There is also no jumping in this workout, also making it apartment friendly and easy on the joints.

    Osteoporosis and beginner-friendly options are shown.

  • The Best Strength & Cardio Combo Workout

    This workout is the full-meal deal! Strength, cardio, core and stretching. All coached, step-by-step, so you finish strong. In this metcon, we will hit a few of the most popular metabolic conditioning programming: EMOM, AMRAP, and circuit, finishing off with a great ladder drill at the end.


  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 15

    Day 15 - After a warm-up, we move into a ladder workout with our push-ups. In this video, I also explain the next steps in your push-up journey.

    Tools: chair or bench

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 12

    Day 12 - We move into ten elevated push-ups after a quick warm-up.

    Tools: chair or bench

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 13

    Day 13 - After our push-up drill, we'll strengthen the rotator cuff muscles to help keep your shoulders healthy for your push-ups - and your day-to-day activities.

    Tools: 1 light dumbbell (recommend 3lb)

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 11

    Day 11 - We are upping the ante today and doing one-arm push-ups. But, before you say 'no way,' hang tight because I will show you how you can do them! And with success.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 10

    Day 10 - We begin with a shoulder and lower trap strengthening exercise to warm up our upper body. From there, we move in a series of T push-ups for our push-up drill

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 9

    Day 9 - Today, we are focussing on increasing your core strength so you can hold the torso still when you are performing a push-up. For our push-up drill we are performing plank-ups.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 8

    Day 8 - We begin with an elevated protraction and retraction drill and follow that with a series of power/plyometric push-ups.

    Tools: chair or bench

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 7

    Day 7 - We begin with a wall slide to warm up the upper body while also strengthening the lower traps and improving your shoulder mobility. After that, we move into 10 hands-release (dead-stop) push-ups.

    Tools: access to a wall

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 6

    Day 6 - We begin with scapular retraction to warm up the upper body and then move into 10 push-ups.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 5

    Day 5 - In this session, we'll begin the session with a warm-up drill that will also strengthen the rear deltoid, lower traps and rotator cuff. From there, we move into our push-up drill; 10 dead-stop push-ups.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 3

    Day 3 - Today, we begin with a lower trap strengthener and shoulder mobility drill. After that, we move into our push-up drill; hands elevated tricep push-up.

    Tools: chair or bench

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 4

    Day 4 - We begin with a different version of the protraction/retraction drills we've been doing, and for our push-up exercise, we're performing plank-ups.

    Tools: 1 moderate dumbbell

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 1

    Day 1 - Learn the two things you must do for an ugly push-up to turn into a great-looking push-up. You'll also work your scapular retraction & protraction muscles before we move into our push-up drill; 5 negative push-ups.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 2

    Day 2 - Review body positioning for a push-up and then into a warm-up drill to wake up the upper body and strengthen the muscles around your shoulders. From there, we move into our push-up drill; 5 positive push-ups.

  • Perfect your Push Up - Day 14

    Day 14 - In this session, you'll begin with core work and then 10 push-ups.

    Tools: nothing

  • 10-Min Full Body Mobility Workout

    Loosen up your joints and stretch out your body with this 10-minute full-body mobility routine. It's the perfect recovery workout!

    Do daily to move and feel better.

    No equipment is required.

  • Standing Flow - Move for 10

    Get the blood pumping and the joints warmed up with this total-body flow series. This is also a great warm-up before a run, or walk or if you require a longer warm-up before a workout. No equipment is required.