7-Day Better Posture Series - The Neck & Your Posture
Day 6: Release and retrain the muscles in the neck to not only feel better but to find better posture! Strengthen the deep cervical flexors and release the back of the neck and upper back. Find optimal positioning in common movements and then maintain it in our practice together.
You’ll need a ...
7-Day Better Posture Series - Improve Your Posture
Putting it together! Yay! You made it. Let’s put it all together now in this practice. You’ll see bits and pieces from days 1-6 in this class. Expect a little more challenge but modify as you need.
You’ll need a block and your mat for this class.
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset for Low Back Pain Series - Working Into Your Hips & QL
Day 1: Give your SI joint and low back some relief with this video. We begin with a gentle pelvis-reset sequence of six moves to reset your pelvis and SI joint.
From there I'll guide you through a mobility flow for your hips, thoracic spine and quadratus lumborum (which can get overactive and c...
Barre Standing Core Workout
This workout will keep you on your toes, literally! A short but sweet workout to challenge your balance and stability, while strengthening your core. All work is done standing with larger ranges of movements blended with tiny squeezes to ignite the fire within!
Equipment needed: Mat, Chair, Squ...
Low Back Friendly Ab Exercises
This is the friendliest workout on the internet! Using a series of plank moves, and deep core moves, this workout will be easy on the low back and the neck, and it is also osteoporosis-friendly.
Grab a mat and follow along after your workout, or as a stand-alone if improving your core strength i...
HIIT Cardio and Abs with the Mini Ball
Are you ready to HIIT your abs and get the heart rate up? Using the mini ball (aka small ball, Pilates ball) we will alternate between one high-intensity exercise and one ab exercise.
And... if you've never met caffeinated PJ you will in this workout.
Tools: mini ball or small pillow
Standing Core Work
Day 2: Core activation is key in yoga! In today’s 10-Minutes, we flow through some modified sun salutations with extra focus on those stabilizing muscles deep within. We target all 360 degrees - front, back, and sides! This class will move - including standing and floor poses.
A mat is recommen...
Plank & Extend
Day 3: We are back down on the mat again today, progressing through a climbing series of planks and back extensions. You can progress or stay where it feels best for your body - awareness is key!
This practice will be on the floor - so a mat is recommended and possibly a folded towel or blanket...
Strengthen Your Abs With This Standing Oblique Workout!
Day 4: Today, we focus on some yoga postures that will wake up, bring awareness, strengthen and lengthen the waist and all the corresponding musculature.
We will be standing for the entire practice - a sticky mat is recommended but optional!
Connect with Your Core
Day 5: This class will get you even more connected to your core and its proper activation. We progress through a series of escalating mat exercises that will challenge you in all the right ways!
This practice will be on the floor - a mat is recommended.
Side Body Series
Day 6: Today we target the side bodies as we work into side planks. We will journey together through a series of activating poses - modifying as needed.
This practice will be on the floor - so a mat is recommended and possibly a folded towel or blanket if you need extra padding.
Strengthen Your Core with Jenn
Day 7: You have made it to the last day! Today, we revisit some of the fave exercises from the last week and build upon them. You're ready to go out into the world with stability and confidence!
This practice will be on the floor - so a mat is recommended and possibly a folded towel or blanket ...
No Repeat Cardio, Core & Booty Burner
Day 9: While repeating sets of exercises is the answer to seeing results, sometimes you just need to do a no-repeat workout to keep things interesting and keep you excited about your workouts.
This NO REPEATS workout is no joke. We start off with a sweaty cardio circuit (low and high impact opt...
Arms & Abs
Day 3: Arms and abs! This hyper-focused workout will challenge the core in a number of standing exercises, and the arms with a series of isolated exercises specific for the biceps and triceps.
Tools: a pair of light or moderate dumbbells
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset Series - Strong Glutes for Low Back Health
Day 2: This session will focus on strengthening your glutes, particularly your gluteus medius. Your gluteus medius is one of the muscles within your gluteal complex and an important muscle for walking, running, and single-leg weight-bearing exercises. It prevents the opposite side of your pelvis ...
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset Series- Deep Core Strength
Day 3: In this session, we will focus on building core strength throughout your erector spinae and the core abdominal muscles of your transverse abdominis.
While we strengthen the lower back and erector spinae, we are also going to strengthen a very important muscle called the multifidus. The m...
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset Series - Abs & Low Back Strengthening
Day 4: A continuation of day 3, working your core strength, front and back. These two muscular systems are key for spinal support and protection as we move through our lives. Your erector spinae muscles are a large group of muscles that run vertically on either side of your spine, roughly one han...
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset - Hip Openers
Day 5: In this session, we will focus on opening the hips. By performing hip openers you will start to open up the over 20 muscles that cross the hip. These include the collection of inner thigh muscles, known as the adductors as well as the collection of thigh muscles known as the abductors, the...
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset Series- Balancing Your Whole Body
Day 6: In this session you will focus on the "whole body" issue of lower-back pain through stretching, strengthening, and paying extra attention to the myofascial slings within standing postures.
Myofascial slings are complex connections of muscle, fascia, and ligament, which help support the in...
SI Joint & Pelvic Reset Series - Putting It All Together
Day 7: In the final session of the series you will be led through a flow of poses, stretches and exercises you've learned through the last six days. This session is a little longer and more intense.
Tools: bolster or pillow, yoga block & strap or similar
15-Min Crunchless Abs | Safe for Prolapse, Osteoporosis & Diastasis Recti
If you have prolapse, diastasis recti or osteoporosis this is the perfect core workout for you! This is a full follow-along 15-minute crunchless ab workout that is not only safe for all, but it is also very effective!
You only need 1 dumbbell and a yoga block and feel free to add this workout i...
Core & Cardio HIIT Burner
Day 13: Picking up the pace today with an intense HIIT cardio and abs workout! A no repeats workout is sure to get that heart rate up set those abs on fire and make you SWEAT! We are using dumbbells only today for added resistance and will only perform each HIIT and Ab exercise one time so make i...
Arms & Abs Low Impact Conditioning
Day 17: This arms and abs Workout is all about building endurance in the upper body and abs while keeping the heart rate up. With compound, low impact exercises we are going to target both the core and the arms in today's sweat fest.
Tools: light dumbbells
Balance & Stretch
Day 18: This all-standing session begins with some basic balance drills and as you get used to those we move into more challenging drills. After our balance session, we will stretch your lower body out with an all-standing stretch series.
Tools: nothing