40'ish Minutes

40'ish Minutes

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40'ish Minutes
  • HIIT Workout Using the STEP and Dumbbells

    WHOA!! Spice up your workout with a STEP (or BOSU ball) and a pair of dumbbells.

    We hit everything!! Starting with a heart-pumping Tabata, followed by a circuit of strength moves supersetting the upper and lower and finishing off with another Tabata.


    But... don't ...

  • The Best Glutes & Abs Workout

    If want the best glute exercises, paired with some amazing ab work, then you have come to the right place! From the 2-minute squat and booty drill, to the mini-HIIT sessions of abs throughout, you will feel your glutes, hips and abs. Trainer's promise.

    This is also day 1 of our 10-Day Legs & Bo...

  • Sculpt Stronger Glutes at Home

    Sculpt those glutes and hips with these glute-strengthening exercises. These are some of the best drills to target the glutes and hips.

    Trainer's promise!

    My glutes were torched after this workout. But, don't let that scare you away! I show alternative moves and coach you through the whole wo...

  • 30-Minute Cardio and Core Workout with Dumbbells

    This workout is so much fun! You have a full 30-minutes of low-impact cardio and core work all wrapped up into one sweaty workout. We start out with a cardio circuit, with the focus on your arms & shoulders, follow that with a core-intensive series, then back to more cardio (with a focus on the g...

  • Killer Leg Day Workout | For All Levels

    If you want a well-rounded leg workout, no matter what your fitness level is - then this is the workout for you! Cycling through circuits of lower body strength moves, to power moves, and then a series of corrective moves (so we keep your low back, hips & knees happy) you will work it all. I


  • Strengthen Your Legs, Glutes and Hips at Home

    Strengthen your legs, glutes and hips with this workout! Using one heavy dumbbell you'll go through a series of one-legged moves that will not only strengthen the muscles in your lower body, these moves will also help improve your balance, increase your core strength and work on your functional s...

  • Total Body Resistance Band Circuit Workout

    Using a resistance band (aka exercise tubing, tubing with handles) you'll hit every muscle in the body! The exercises are programed circuit-style, so you get the maximum results, in one session, and the circuit is all standing as well.

    This is a great workout for travel!

    And... stick around u...

  • Yoga for Stress

    Who gets stressed? Answer: we all do. When stress and external resistance are applied to any living cell, there is potential for growth and adaptation. However, the key is recovery - completion of the stress cycle.

    Experience why yoga, breathwork, and meditation are top recommendations for reco...

  • Beginner's Yoga for the Low Back

    In this practice, we address the common imbalances that lead to low back pain with compassion and mindfulness.

    Have a folded towel or blanket, a cushion, or a block nearby for seated postures. A bolster, or couch cushion, might also be helpful but not necessary. A chair nearby is also recommend...

  • Arms & Legs Strength Builder

    Day 12: WOW! If you want to build strength in your legs and arms you are going to love this workout.

    Using tri-sets we work either the biceps or triceps, then move into a leg strengthening exercise, and then finish the tri-set off with a high-intensity cardio move.

    All circuits have 3 rounds,...

  • Arms & Abs Low Impact Conditioning

    Day 17: This arms and abs Workout is all about building endurance in the upper body and abs while keeping the heart rate up. With compound, low impact exercises we are going to target both the core and the arms in today's sweat fest.

    Tools: light dumbbells

  • Leg Day

    Day 24: Today's leg day is a killer combo of strength exercises and powerful cardio bursts to build lower body strength and endurance. Using dumbbells for resistance we will push through 3 leg circuits that incorporate unilateral exercises with body-weight, plyometric cardio bursts in between. Of...

  • Total Body Superset Workout

    Day 28: Supersetting front of the body, back of body and legs you'll be amazed at how many muscles we train in just 30-minutes. Using tri-sets, and supersetting opposing muscle groups you'll flow through a series of compound moves to target EVERY muscle in the body.

    Tools: light, moderate & hea...

  • Legs, Shoulders & Abs

    I picked the best exercises to strengthen your legs, shoulders and abs. We are also performing 4 sets of each series so you can really focus on your form and push through any plateaus you might be experiencing.

    Tools: a pair of moderate and heavy dumbbells and if you're a beginner a chair

    For ...

  • Strength & Sweat

    If want to really maximize your workout, this is the one for you! Using compound exercises, we target the muscles, with a special EMOM and tri-set series, and then finish it all off with a bodyweight-only low impact cardio finisher. This workout is perfect for all levels and will really hit a lot...

  • Metcon Strength Workout [TRX & BOSU OPTIONAL]

    Working muscle strength in this well-rounded Metcon circuit you'll use dumbbells, with options shown if you own a TRX and/or BOSU.

    To ensure you don't get bored with 5 rounds 😉 we will change up the angle of some of the exercises, with each round. This will help us work more muscles, and keep y...

  • BOSU Ball Cardio Workout

    If you want to get in the best shape of your life, add this workout to your weekly rotation! This cardio workout is also quite possibly my fun-est (and funniest) workout to date.

    We use the BOSU ball for a non-stop, calorie-torching good time, getting the heart rate up, while also working on yo...

  • Strength Training Fun w/ PJ

    This strength workout is a MUST for any woman over 40. Starting with a mobility circuit to open up the hips, low spine and shoulders we then begin a total body strength workout, hitting a lot of muscles that tend to be under-used as we get older. IE: glutes, shoulders, posture muscles, core & tri...

  • Crush It Cardio + Strength

    Blending traditional strength circuits with low-impact cardio drills, you will CRUSH IT in this workout.

    Multiple sets are performed during our strength circuits so that you can really focus on building muscle and bone strength.

    I've placed an emphasis on areas that tend to be weaker as we ge...

  • Upper Body Ladder Workout with Dumbbells

    Hit the pecs, shoulders, triceps, lats and mid-back muscles with this KILLER ladder-style upper body workout. Options are shown using a BOSU/stability ball, and modifications are given if you hate push-ups :).

    Your arms will be like noodles after this workout. You are going to love it!!

    Day 3...

  • Arms & Shoulders Strengthening Workout

    This arms and shoulders strengthening workout is NO JOKE! Working in tri-sets we will target the triceps, biceps and then shoulders. Choose heavier weights for this workout, because our focus will be on slow & controlled reps so you can really build your strength.

    And... stay till the end for a...

  • No Squat Leg Workout [EASY ON THE KNEES & LOW BACK]

    Train the legs with this no squat, no lunge leg workout. Working in groupings of three exercises, for two sets, you'll target the hamstrings, glutes, hips and your core - with absolutely no squats!

    This workout is perfect if you have sensitive knees or low back.

    And stick around till the end -...

  • Leg Day w/ Dumbbells

    Target the thighs, glutes and hips with this leg day workout! We'll cycle through 5 compound lower body exercises alternating between a squat/lunge pattern and a hinge pattern.

    This type of programming will ensure we hit all the muscles in the front and back of the body (hello hamstrings and gl...

  • Lower Body Endurance Workout

    Wow - get ready for some sore thighs after this workout 😂. Using lighter weights, and more reps, we will target the thighs, hips, glutes (and even your core!) with this endurance strength training lower body workout.

    And you'll realize fairly quickly that you're in for the workout of your life ...