21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge

21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge

21 days of workouts to get you in the best shape of your life! Led by PJ, you'll follow 21 days of workouts with 4 strength workouts a week, 2 cardio-based, and with every 5th workout, an extended stretch and mobility session for our active rest.

Tools needed: tubing, booty band, light to heavy dumbbells and a chair if you're a beginner. Optional: BOSU ball and a stability ball

21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge
  • About the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge

    The 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge is one of PJ’s best 💪🏽! 21-days of balanced fitness programming - so you get fit, without injuring yourself. This includes strength, cardio, low impact, HIIT, core, stretching and mobility. These workouts are perfect for ANY level of fitness and osteoporosis-frie...

  • 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge

    171 KB

    The 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge is one of PJ’s best! 21-days of balanced fitness programming - so you get fit, without injuring yourself. This includes strength, cardio, low impact, HIIT, core, stretching and mobility. These workouts are perfect for ANY level of fitness and ost...

  • Complete Strength Workout

    You are feeling the burn head to toe with this Full Body Strength Workout! This dumbbell-only workout is loaded with strength supersets and is low impact meaning there is no jumping.

    Challenge yourself with those weights today and as always, focus on proper form and quality reps.

    Day 1 - 21 D...

  • Low Impact Tabata Cardio

    Torch some calories with this low-impact Tabata workout. We will alternate between two exercises for each Tabata, placing a focus on your core and getting that heart rate up.

    Options are given for beginners and osteoporosis.

    Day 2 of the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge.

    Tools: a chair if you'...

  • Upper Body Ladder Workout with Dumbbells

    Hit the pecs, shoulders, triceps, lats and mid-back muscles with this KILLER ladder-style upper body workout. Options are shown using a BOSU/stability ball, and modifications are given if you hate push-ups :).

    Your arms will be like noodles after this workout. You are going to love it!!

    Day 3...

  • Lower Body & Core Strength Workout

    It's leg day and this Lower Body Strength Workout is gonna get you STRONG!!! We have 5 different lower body exercises that include dumbbell exercises to build strength and power in the legs while hitting the abs with two of my favourite ab exercises.

    Options are given for those with sensitive k...

  • Easy Total Body Stretches

    This total body stretch routine is perfect for beginners! Add it on after a workout, run, hike or bike ride to work out the tight areas of your legs, hips, spine and shoulders.

    Day 5 of the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge.

    Tools: 2 yoga blocks & a mat

    Cat & cow
    T-spine rotation
    Child’s pos...

  • Cardio & Core Workout

    Get your heart rate up, as well as train your abs and balance in this fun cardio and core workout. No equipment is required, and I offer low-impact versions of each move, as well as osteo-friendly ab drills.

    Day 6 of the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge.

    Tools: nothing

    3 x 45
    Jump squat to RDL

  • Athletic Total Body Strength

    Train your inner athlete! Work your functional strength and power with this total-body ATHLETIC strength workout. This is a total body strength workout, also hitting your balance and core muscles. You're gonna love it!

    Day 7 of the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Challenge.

    Tools: a pair of light & moder...

  • Low Impact, No Repeats HIIT

    We are picking up the intensity with this No Repeats Low Impact HIIT. No Jumping makes this a quiet, apartment-friendly HIIT workout while still maximizing intensity and effectiveness with full body, compound exercises.

    Grab a light to medium set of dumbbells and let's do this!

    Day 8 of the 2...

  • Arms & Shoulders Strengthening Workout

    This arms and shoulders strengthening workout is NO JOKE! Working in tri-sets we will target the triceps, biceps and then shoulders. Choose heavier weights for this workout, because our focus will be on slow & controlled reps so you can really build your strength.

    And... stay till the end for a...

  • Upper Body Stretch - Release Tight Neck, Shoulders, Chest & Back

    Release your tight neck, shoulders, pecs (chest) and back with this 15-minute upper body stretch routine. If you suffer from neck, shoulder or back pain, you will love these stretches!

    Day 10 of the 21 Day Fit & Fierce Challenge.

    Tools: mat

    Spine & shoulder stretch
    Cobra to neck...

  • No Squat Leg Workout [EASY ON THE KNEES & LOW BACK]

    Train the legs with this no squat, no lunge leg workout. Working in groupings of three exercises, for two sets, you'll target the hamstrings, glutes, hips and your core - with absolutely no squats!

    This workout is perfect if you have sensitive knees or low back.

    And stick around till the end -...

  • Amped Up AMRAP - All Levels Cardio Workout

    This all-levels cardio workout is so much fun! Using the training technique, AMRAP, you'll perform 4 moves, circuit-style, for as many rounds as possible.

    Low and high-impact options are shown, as well as osteoporosis-friendly ab exercises. You are going to love this workout!

    Day 12 of the 21...

  • Chest and Back Workout [SUPERSETTING FUN!]

    We start this gem of a workout off with a BANG! We begin with a chest and then an upper back Tabata, and follow it with a superset circuit workout focussing on the chest and back muscles.

    PS - I hope your equipment doesn't fail ya as mine did 😆. You'll see what I mean in our 2nd Tabata.

    Day 1...

  • Cardio Strong [MET-CON]

    Wow! If you're looking to burn a ton of calories, in the shortest amount of time, this is the workout for you! We sweat it out by alternating 3 of my favourite strength moves, with one of my favourite plyo moves.

    Your cardio and muscles will be challenged.

    Day 14 of the 21-Day Fit & Fierce Ch...

  • 15-Minute Yummy Leg Stretches

    Stretch and release your legs with this relaxing 15-minute stretch session. We will focus on your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and hip flexors.

    This is the perfect stretch session for after a workout, run or bike ride - and it's a great active recovery workout too.

    Day 15 of the 21-Day Fit ...

  • Push, Pull, Hinge & Squat Strength Workout

    Work the foundational exercise patterns of the body that are responsible for every movement you make - push, pull, hinge, and squat(with the 5th, carry, covered as we hold onto the dumbbells for the exercises).

    While these exercises are equated as "workout" exercises, they are movements we pe...

  • EMOM Cardio Workout - No Equipment

    WOWSERS! That's all I got to say about this EMOM cardio workout. Whether you hate cardio or love it, you will be favouriting this special EMOM workout.

    Each minute we are changing the exercise, with rep counts shown for beginners, intermediate and advanced exercisers.

    You will be challenged i...

  • Quick Arms & Abs Workout

    This 20-minute arms & abs workout is the perfect little strength workout for those days you need something quick.

    Focusing on the same muscle for 2-3 sets you'll feel the burn as we hit the biceps, triceps and ab. Osteoporosis-friendly ab exercises are also demo'ed.

    Day 18 of the 21-Day Fit &...

  • Leg Day w/ Dumbbells

    Target the thighs, glutes and hips with this leg day workout! We'll cycle through 5 compound lower body exercises alternating between a squat/lunge pattern and a hinge pattern.

    This type of programming will ensure we hit all the muscles in the front and back of the body (hello hamstrings and gl...

  • Hips, Hammies & Glute Stretches

    Y.U.M.M.Y. That's the only way to describe this lower body stretch session. Grab a mat and follow along as we unlock the hips, stretch out the glutes and lengthen the hamstrings.

    This session also includes some soft relaxing music in the background, and we finish it off with an extended savasan...

  • Dumbbell Quick MetCon

    This quick strength and cardio workout is the perfect metabolic conditioning sweat-sesh to get you even closer to your fitness goals.

    Low impact options are shown - so no matter where you are on in your fitness journey you'll get a workout that is best for you!

    Day 21 of the 21-Day Fit & Fier...