28-Day Unstoppable Challenge

28-Day Unstoppable Challenge

Become unstoppable this year with your fitness! Commit to 28 days of home workouts in 28 minutes or less. Workouts geared for beginners to advanced, using a few pairs of dumbbells and a booty band.

28 days of workouts are no joke, but with the workouts I have programmed, you will find it not so daunting. First off, every 5th day will be your recovery day, consisting of a stretching and mobility workout. Feel free to complete those anytime of the day; weather permitting, maybe head out for a walk beforehand. I have also added a variety of different-intensity workouts. Not every workout will be tough. You’ll get a mix of low-impact, strength-only, metabolic conditioning, and split training workouts.

I made an effort to make the workouts joint-friendly, too, avoiding making you do lunges for 28 days straight. You will also strengthen the smaller stabilizer muscles in this series, which is important for staying injury-free. And you will do some core work every day, except for our recovery days.

28-Day Unstoppable Challenge
  • About - Unstoppable Challenge

    What is the Unstoppable challenge, and how fit can you really get in 28 days? All that, as well as the programming behind the challenge and why we chose one area of your body to focus on... for a full month.

  • Bonus! Unstoppable Challenge Recipe Book

    16 MB

    Bonus! Recipe book from the Unstoppable Challenge Vol. 1

  • Total Body Strength & Cardio with Dumbbells

    Using only one pair of dumbbells, with minimum rest, you will torch some calories while building tone in those muscles of yours. This total body strength and cardio will soon be a favourite!

    Day 1 of the Unstoppable Challenge.

    Tools: 1 pair of moderate dumbbells

    3 x 30sec
    Reverse lunge (alt:...

  • All Standing Low Impact Cardio + Mat Abs

    This quick low impact cardio workout is a ton of fun. You'll perform 6 different exercises for two circuits. All of the moves are low impact, and I show you where you can add some impact for those who want their workout a bit spicy.

    After our cardio, we'll head down to the mat for a core Tabata...

  • Upper Body Supersetting

    Superset your chest and back muscles, followed by biceps and triceps, in this super-setting upper body strength circuit. As usual, I give a little extra love to our triceps, so your arms look smoking 🔥.

    Day 3 of the Unstoppable Challenge.

    Tools: a couple of pairs of moderate dumbbells

    2 x 40...

  • Lower Body Thigh Torching Workout

    Torch your thighs with this lower body strength workout. And the best part is - no equipment required. Using a lot of single-leg drills, you'll work the strength of each leg independently while also improving your stability and balance.

    And stick around until the end! You'll do a special thigh ...

  • Easy Stretches for After a Workout or Before Bed

    This easy stretch routine is great to do before bed or after a workout. Your side body, hips and low back will feel strengthened and lengthened and your central nervous system will be relaxed and primed for a good night's sleep.

    No equipment is required; however, I do recommend a pillow for the...

  • Metabolic Conditioning Workout with BOSU [Optional] & Dumbbells

    This metabolic workout will get your heart rate up while training all the muscles! A BOSU is optional, with both a BOSU and a non-BOSU exercise shown for every exercise.

    In this circuit, you'll cycle through a series of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises, and before you know it - you're done!


  • Low or High Impact HIIT Workout - All Standing!

    Using all standing exercises, you'll get your heart rate up with this HIIT cardio workout. Some of the moves are higher in impact, with low-impact options shown throughout. This workout goes by quickly, and you'll feel amazing afterwards! Trainer's promise.

    This is the perfect I-hate cardio wor...

  • No Repeat Booty Builder Strength Workout

    Build your glutes with this no-repeat booty builder workout. Doing only 1 round, we'll start with standing dumbbell exercises and then make our way down to the mat to isolate the glutes, hips and hamstrings with the booty band (glute loop). Because of the nature of the exercises chosen, you'll al...

  • Chest & Tricep Scorching Strength Workout

    Using tri-sets, you will focus on the same exercise, playing with unilateral and tempo training principles. This workout will get those pecs, shoulders and triceps sizzling!

    My chest and arms were so sore the next day. You are going to love this one!

    We also finished off with a tricep and ab ...

  • Mobility & Dynamic Stretch For All Levels

    This quick mobility series will get all the joints moving while also creating more movement in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders.

    This is the perfect little workout to do as a stand-alone or tack it on before a workout to really warm up your joints and muscles. It's also a great wa...

  • Back and Bicep Strength Workout

    Strengthen your back and bicep muscles! Using an advanced training technique called drop set training, we focus on completing a set until failure, and then we lighten the load by 10–30% and repeat, with little to no rest in between sets. This type of training will maximize muscle strength.

    Day ...

  • Quick Kickboxing for All Levels

    You will love this quick cardio kickboxing workout! Using 9 rounds of moves, you'll get some basic punches and kicks that will increase your heart rate and have you loving cardio!

    This workout is low impact, and all standing as well. There is also an ab finisher at the end - that's all standing...

  • MetCon with TRX [Optional] & Dumbbells

    Work your cardio and your strength with this Metcon (metabolic conditioning) workout. Your muscles, heart & lungs will be challenged with this 6-exercise circuit.

    Using only 1 pair of dumbbells (and an optional TRX), you will be shocked at how quickly this workout goes by!

    And stick around fo...

  • Ab HIIT Cardio Workout

    I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think you will love this ab HIIT cardio workout. Starting with a series of all-standing low (with high impact options shown), you'll get a good little sweat going and then follow that with a series of ab exercises on the mat.

    Osteo-friendly options are sh...

  • The Best Back Exercises & Stretches

    Strengthen your back extensors and core muscles in this back strengthener and stretch workout. This is the perfect active recovery workout from training or tack-on after a workout on an off day.

    We begin with four of my favourite back strengthener exercises and then proceed to some yummy stretc...

  • No Repeat Arms & Shoulders

    Strengthen your arms and shoulders with only 1 round of all the exercises. In this no-repeat workout, you will also engage your core while we work single-arm training for many exercises while also learning how (and why) you can hit the abs without doing a single crunch.

    Day 16 of the Unstoppabl...

  • Full Body Tabata

    Train hard, choosing either low or high-impact moves in this special full-body Tabata cardio workout. I've also sectioned our workout into 4 different Tabatas to hit four different parts of your fitness: cardio, power, strength and core. This programming is a first for me, and I would love to kno...

  • Hips & Butt Strengthening Workout

    Strengthen your glutes (the good ol' booty) and the important side glute muscles in this strength workout. There is no cardio, but your heart rate may get up there!

    Because this is a strength workout, it's important that you have dumbbells that are heavy enough to be challenging for you. I will...

  • Upper Body Push & Pull Strength Workout

    Strengthen your push and pull muscles with the chest and back super-setting strength workout. The “push” exercises will train your chest, shoulders, and triceps, while the “pull” exercises will train your back, biceps, and forearms.

    It's the perfect well-rounded upper body strength workout.


  • Gentle Stretches for the Shoulders and Low Back

    If you have tight shoulders or back muscles, you will love this gentle stretch session for the shoulders and low back. Using a combination of stretches and mobility exercises, you'll add more shoulder movement while stretching to relax your back, shoulders & neck.

    Day 20 of the Unstoppable Chal...

  • Low Impact Dumbbell Cardio Workout

    Get your heart rate up in this short, fun and low-impact cardio workout. Using a light pair of dumbbells, you'll feel the burn without any jumping.

    Beginners, you might want to try this first with no dumbbells and then add as you get fitter.

    Day 21 of the Unstoppable Challenge.

    Tools: light...

  • MetCon with Booty Band & Dumbbells

    Wow! Be prepared to work in this fiery short strength & conditioning workout. For this Metcon workout, we'll flow through 4 of my favourite compound exercises to target as many muscles as possible while also getting the heart rate up. You'll love the end as well!

    You'll strengthen your lower ab...