

Lisa has been a certified fitness professional since 1984 and her fitness career takes her around the world instructing various types of classes at several international resorts. Her love and passion for fitness have grown over the years to include certifications in yoga, pilates, spinning, and many other specialty fitness classes.

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  • Pilates and Yoga Fusion

    This class will be adapted for all levels of fitness and can be done without equipment - however if you have a booty band, light weights, a yoga block and a Pilates ball grab them! You're in for a treat with this Pilates & yoga fusion class. There is no cardio component and you'll move through v...

  • Athletic Flow Yoga

    This is an intermediate to advanced class that will have you sweating as you move through several yoga postures and cardio blasts. Come prepared to feel your entire body work and stretch! Tools needed: mat, booty band, and a fitness band, and lighter weights.

  • Mens Yoga

    This class is good for all levels of fitness. A great class for those who have always wanted to try yoga or those who have previous experience. A fitness band is a great tool to enhance the stretching in this class for those tight hips and hamstrings,as well as adding some resistance work as we m...

  • Total Body Conditioning Pilates

    Add some resistance to your Pilates workout by challenging several muscle groups at the same time! This is the perfect workout for those of you who love to work! There is no cardio component, it's all strength, and you'll a booty band, a Pilates ball and 3 or 5lb weights.

  • Chair Yoga

    This class is for all levels of fitness and designed to give anyone sitting in their chair a time out with some yummy seated and standing yoga postures. Add this mid-day to give your body the love it needs! A chair is required and a fitness band would be a great addition to help you with some of ...

  • Total Body Pilates & Yoga Blend

    Day 1 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge.

    This workout is a melting pot of yoga and pilates moves designed to waken the entire body.

    Tools: fitness band, fitness loop and mat

  • Core & Obliques Pilates

    Day 2 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. This class will emphasize the waist muscles, while using a variety of cardio blasts and arm exercises so you get the full meal deal.

    Tools: light weights, Pilates ball and mat

  • Core, Legs & Glutes Pilates

    Day 3 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. Get ready for a core, legs and bootie workout! Tools: fitness loop and light weights

  • Core & Arms Pilates

    Day 4 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. Strong arms and abs are the new sexy - and you'll hit it all with this Pilates class.

    Tools: Pilates ball, fitness band, fitness loop.

  • Total Body Pilates

    Day 5 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. This class is a melting pot of all the muscle groups. Be prepared to flow through several 360 degree moves - targeting all sides of your body.

    Tools: Pilates ball, light weights, mat

  • Cardio + Core Pilates

    Day 6 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. Cardio drills and Pilates core and back focused exercises make up this class.

    Be prepared to move from Pilates postures, mixing up the workout throughout with short cardio challenges. Low impact and high impact options shown.

    Tools: fit loop, Pilates ball and ...

  • Pilates HIIT

    Day 7 of Pilates 7-Day Challenge. Get your heart rate up and blast some serious calories with this cardio workout using Pilates based exercises.

    Tools: fitness loop

  • Chair Pilates & Yoga

    The best of both worlds - from your chair! Chairs are not just for sitting on your butt! Move your body and feel your arms and abs and legs lengthen and stretch. Feel every moving action that will give your body a positive reaction! You can stay seated the entire time or stand beside or behind yo...

  • Pilates Bites Arms & Core

    Feel that core working as we add in several arm exercises at the same time.
    This Pilates-based class is a full meal deal for the entire body.
    Equipment: Pilates ball or small firm pillow

  • Pilates Bites Legs & Core

    Keep your legs and core activated and feeling strong in this Pilates-based class. You will move your body all around with legs and core and the small ball to activate those inner thighs. Lots of arms and core incorporated into your movements.
    Equipment: Pilates ball or small firm pillow

  • Improve Your Posture with Yoga

    This class will emphasize lengthening the spine in standing and lying postures on the mat. Enjoy some twists and turns as we concentrate on lengthening the spine too.
    No equipment required.

  • Foundational Pilates Workout

    A must-watch if you are new to Pilates, as well as new to our Pilates classes. This follow-along workshop will teach you proper alignment for standing, seated and supine positions, as well as how to get your neck shoulders and pelvis in proper alignment.

    Suggested props - block, pilates ball, f...

  • Pilates Upper Body & Abs

    New or newish to Pilates? Work your upper body and learn the postures and cueing with a Pilates class. We will train your arms, chest and shoulders and finish off with some hot PIlates’ ab exercises.

    Tools: Mat, fit loop and band

  • Osteoporosis-Friendly Full Body Pilates

    If you have osteoporosis or osteopenia then you know how hard it is to do a full Pilates workout. Because of the forward flexion most Pilates mat-work has it makes it impossible for someone with osteoporosis to enjoy a full class. For this workout, you will move through a variety of Pilates postu...

  • Pilates for Beginners - Hips, Thighs & Glutes

    New or newish to Pilates? Train your hips and booty and learn the proper posture and cueing with this beginner’s class.

    Added bonus: this workout is entirely on the mat as well, with no up and down exercises.

    Tools: Mat and small ball (optional)

  • Pilates for Sensitive Knees

    You will not be putting pressure on your knees or doing any lunges or squats in this workout. Your body will feel the work and your knees will be happy throughout! Perfect for anyone with or without knee pain.

    Tools: Mat, fit loop (booty band), small ball

  • Pilates to Tone & Shape the Legs & Butt

    Get those legs and glutes heated up with a series of standing exercises isolating the glutes and thighs, followed by some floorwork to continue the defining and toning workout.

    Tools: Mat and Fit Loop

  • Amazing Arms with Pilates

    There is a slew of different ways you can work your arms. You can turn to traditional strength training a la push-ups, hop onto a machine like an elliptical or a rower, try a boxing workout, or take a shortcut and try this Pilates arm workout that uses light weights and a band for a killer burn. ...

  • Easy on the Back Pilates

    Your tight back will thank you as we challenge our body but focus on engaging our core and not arching our back. You will feel your body move and your muscles will get stronger - without your back feeling sore.

    Happy back and engaged abs!

    Tools: small ball or pillow