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  • Calf Blast

    Day 4 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. Shape up your calves and legs with this short and powerful workout. In this workout, we focus on burning out the calves with high repetitions and pulses. By building stronger muscles in your feet and ankles, you will gain greater control of your overall...

  • Happy Hips

    Day 5 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. This workout targets deep stabilizer muscles in your hips and builds stronger glutes. This mat workout combines the best glute activation exercises and outer and inner thigh work to strengthen your hips. This will be an essential video to revisit!


  • Booty Barre

    Day 6 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. This workout is a total booty blast! Combining the best exercises to lift, shape and sculpt your booty. A combination of standing and mat work to target all angles. If you appreciate a nice booty, you’ll love this workout!

    Equipment needed: Mat, Chair,...

  • Abs & Back

    Day 7 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. This workout is all about strengthening your abs and back. These two go hand and hand in being your powerhouse center. Strong abs and back are essential for healthy posture and greater strength for everyday movement. The whole workout is on the mat so y...

  • All About the Legs

    Day 8 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. This workout is your go to leg workout. Trimming and toning inner and outer thighs, strengthening legs with the best of barre exercises. A combination of plies, relieves and kickbacks have your legs set to feel the burn. What you put into this workout, ...

  • Barre Strong Arms

    Day 9 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. Looking for longer, leaner arms? This is your go to arm workout to strengthen your upper body with a combination of larger and smaller movements to train the accessory muscles. We use light weights and high repetitions. Get ready to work those arms baby...

  • Complete Mat Barre

    Day 10 of the 10-Day Barre Strong Challenge. This is a blend of my favourite barre exercises done on the mat, for those days you don’t feel like standing. This workout covers your entire body and helps you to feel more balanced throughout your day. Starts with a yoga inspired warm up and works th...

  • Barre for Sore Knees

    This workout will help build strength in your legs, glutes and the muscles surrounding your knees. Not only is this knee-friendly it will also help prevent further weakening of your knees.

    You’ll get a combo of standing and mat work to challenge both your balance and your stabilizer muscles. Tr...

  • Barre for a Sore Low Back

    The focus of this workout is strengthening your glutes so they can support you if you are experiencing low back pain, or if you have a history of back pain.

    Often people complain about back issues if their glutes are weak and their hips are tight. This workout will target both with a combo of s...

  • Barre Standing Core Workout

    This workout will keep you on your toes, literally! A short but sweet workout to challenge your balance and stability, while strengthening your core. All work is done standing with larger ranges of movements blended with tiny squeezes to ignite the fire within!

    Equipment needed: Mat, Chair, Squ...

  • Barre for Osteoporosis

    This workout is safe for those who have osteopenia or osteoporosis. A low-impact workout challenging your core, legs, booty and balance. For the entire workout, we avoid spinal flexion (a no-no for osteoporosis), while lengthening the body to help with better posture.

    Equipment needed: Mat, Boo...

  • Quickie Barre Cardio

    A short and sweet mix of everything, working at a steady pace to increase your heart rate and get you sweating! Great to pair with another workout or to do on a busy day and you don't have a lot of extra time to get your workout in!

    Equipment needed: Mat, Chair

  • Barre Yoga Blender

    Day 1 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. This workout combines strength and stretches to build a strong, flexible body for better balance and posture. A short and sweet workout gives you a taste of the burn you feel in barre and the stretch you feel in yoga.

    I love this combination!


  • Best of Booty

    Day 2 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Mostly mat work, this workout challenges your booty to burnout. We focus on isolations, pulses, and holds to lift and sculpt your glutes. See you on the mat!

    Equipment: Mat, Booty Band, Chair

  • Upper Body Build

    Day 3 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Strengthen your upper body using light weights! This workout will target all of your upper body muscles, with high repetitions to challenge the accessory muscles. Feel the pump and then wind down with a complimentary upper body stretch sequence.


  • Lower Body Power

    Day 4 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Do you want strong, lean legs? This workout focuses on building strength in your lower body by combining squats, kickbacks, bridges, lunges, plies and relieves. Work hard, then enjoy a relaxing lower body stretch to complement all your hard work.


  • It's a HIIT!

    Day 5 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. This workout is fun and exhilarating! A mix of cardio, barre and yoga to get your heart pumping and body feeling alive! If you are feeling low energy and need a boost, this will be a perfect way to wake your body up and get you moving. Let’s go!!


  • More Core

    Day 6 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. This workout will give your core muscles a real challenge! Get in touch with abs and pelvic floor muscles. This workout will help you develop a greater mind-to-body connection with a challenging combination of core work, yoga and deep abdominal breathing....

  • Barre Booty, Yoga for Hips

    Day 8 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. This workout will heavily focus on isolating your glutes while building strength in your core. Building strong glutes sets us up for success! Try this powerful combo with your rubber booty band to burn out your butt, and then enjoy a yoga sequence targeti...

  • Inner & Outer Thighs

    Day 9 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Try this challenging workout that targets your outer and inner thighs, helping you achieve stronger legs. First, find your strength in all the pulses and holds, then finish with a relaxing yoga sequence to help you stretch your hard-worked muscles.


  • We've Got Your Back

    Day 10 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. This workout targets your chest, shoulders and back—building strength in the upper body for better posture, which will help you feel more confident. I love adding this workout to a core or cardio day!

    Equipment: Mat, 2 Sets of Dumbbells

  • Full Body Barre Yoga

    Day 11 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. A full-body, low-impact, all-levels workout. If you want to bring some life back to your body and stimulate your mind, you will love this workout! Perform some of Miranda’s favourite barre exercises fused with a yoga flow.

    Equipment: Mat, Chair

  • Barre Yoga for Better Posture

    Day 12 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Think long, tall spine. This workout will help you to strengthen your entire body with a focus on your core and back. A combo of standing and mat work with lots of cues to remind you to keep your core engaged and your spine long!

    Equipment: Mat, Chair,...

  • Barre Yoga for Better Balance

    Day 13 of the 14-Day Barre Yoga Challenge. Do you need help with your balance? First, work on building strength, one side at a time, for the results for your muscles and your balance. Then, challenge your body to build stamina in weaker areas, helping you find balance. The perfect full-body worko...