

Tamara has been a Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Third Age Leader and Kettlebell Coach since 2008. She exercises for the ‘sport of life’; to keep herself active and strong and able to do all the extracurricular activities she loves - without pain and for many years to come. Besides teaching classes at her local recreation centre, she has also run online fitness programs, led workshops for fellow instructors, written articles for popular magazines and published the exercise book, “Ultimate Booty Workouts”.

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  • Posterior Shoulder Strength and Stability

    Workout 1 of this 2-part series focuses on the posterior rotator cuff muscles and tendons. You'll need a light to moderate resistance Theraband (resistance tubing works as well; just make sure it’s long enough and not overly hard to stretch).

    Use this as a warm-up before a strength workout, or a...

  • Rotator Cuff Workout

    Strengthen the front and top of the shoulders with this low-intensity, Theraband-based workout. Alternate between Day 1 and Day 2 Rotator Cuff workouts to stabilize and strengthen your shoulders in all planes of motion.

    This can be done as a warm-up before a workout, or a stand-alone if you have...

  • All Standing Strength

    Get ready to challenge your entire body with this unique, all-standing strength workout!

    With a combination of compound and single muscle group exercises, you'll work all the major muscle groups from head to toe.

    There is no need to hit the floor for endless push-ups and crunches; this workou...