

Lisa has been a certified fitness professional since 1984 and her fitness career takes her around the world instructing various types of classes at several international resorts. Her love and passion for fitness have grown over the years to include certifications in yoga, pilates, spinning, and many other specialty fitness classes.

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  • Balance, Stability and Flexibility with Lisa

    Take the time to open up, lengthen and stretch your muscles. This is the perfect workout for a recovery day, or after a walk, hike or run, or on those days you are just looking for a little movement, with no sweat.

    Tools: Yoga block or firm small pillow

  • Morning Wake Up

    Start your day moving your entire body in this all-standing series. You can add light weights to challenge yourself, and you'll also stretch out your sides in between all of the twisting and lifting exercises. The perfect wake-up workout or active recovery workout.

    Tools: light dumbbells (opti...

  • Pilates - No Knees Please!

    A class designed to work your body with no pressure on your knees. There is no kneeling on your knee joints, leaving you with a smile on your face after the workout. Perfect for all levels, and no Pilates experience is required.

    Tools: small ball and light weights

  • Pilates & Foam Rolling Workout

    Feel your body “tenderize” on the roller and we roll out each body part and then weave in a Pilates exercise before we move to the next body part. Your muscles will thank you for the deep tissue release that happens when we apply pressure to those hard-working muscles.

    Tools: Foam roller or fir...

  • Pilates Hips, Thighs & Glutes

    Your booty will feel this Pilates-based class that gives you an exercise class tightening up that lower body. Get ready for a butt-lifting workout with your abs coming along for the ride.

    Tools: squishy ball

  • Pilates Oblique Blast

    A short series of waist and ab-focused pilates exercises that will challenge your obliques as well as the rest of your core. Lisa calls this her “360-degree oblique blast workout”! Tools:

    Mat, light weights, small ball

  • Yogalates

    This class mixes both Yoga and Pilates exercises to get your body moving while working your mobility, dynamic flexibility, core and aerobic fitness.

    Tools: light weights & band