Are you tired of modifying moves during regular workouts because you have osteoporosis, osteopenia, or osteoarthritis? In this full-body cardio workout, we will get your heart rate up, work on your bone and joint health, and hit your abs with exercises that are not only safe but also the most effective for you.
In addition, I will coach you through the workout on what to avoid and what to do instead regarding exercise, your lifestyle, and osteoporosis.
Tools: a chair
Up Next in Core
HIIT Workout with the TRX & Booty Band
Grab your TRX and booty band and join me for this innovative workout targeting every muscle in the body. We will fire up your shoulders to your legs and everything else in-between, while also getting your heart rate up and putting the FUN back into your workout.
I really enjoyed programming thi...
Low Impact Leg Toning & Abs Workout [...
Day 9 of the 12 Days of Christmas. Whew! This workout is intense, yet doable for ANY fitness level. It's barre-inspired, and we focus on your hips, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core.
You will work muscles you never thought you had. Trainer's promise.
Stick around till the very end, too. We ...
Ab HIIT Bodyweight Workout
Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas. Try this awesome fat-burning cardio that combines HIIT with a focus on the abs.
Lots of variety, so we hit all the ab muscles, with options shown if you can't do a plank or any high-impact moves.
So, if you're a beginner, or if you have a hard time getting ...