Day 10 - Body Reset - A blend of yoga, fascia release and deep breathing to bring your body and mind to a more peaceful state. Great to do anytime you are feeling sluggish, tight or off in any way. Come take some time for yourself and enjoy the rest you deserve!
Equipment: Mat, 2 Yoga Blocks
Up Next in Bodyweight Only
All Standing Low Impact HIIT for Osteo
Workout #2 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
All standing cardio workout.
Tools: none
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this:
Sweat & Stretch for Osteo
Workout #4 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
A short cardio workout, followed by mobility and stretch session.
Tools: chair, yoga tie
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this:
Low Impact Tabata for Osteo
Workout #7 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
It's cardio time!
Tools: nothing
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this: