Day 3 of the 7-Day Aging Gracefully Series. When we think of grace, we automatically think of smooth, seamless transitions - resiliency, adaptability, flexibility, and balance. These elements require a good dose of deep core strength for stability, body awareness, and balanced musculature. Today’s class will leave you ready to take on any curves you need to navigate life’s changes!
Have a folded towel or blanket and yoga blocks or books nearby.
Up Next in Total Body
Recover and Rest
Day 4 of the 7-Day Aging Gracefully Series. Everybody needs balance. Are you aware of the messages you send your body daily? Does it know you care? Our sweet bodies respond best to being supported. Today, we learn a few postures to deepen this relationship with our bodies and let them know we are...
Moving Forward with Confidence
Day 5 of the 7-Day Aging Gracefully Series. As we start to recognize and appreciate our body’s strength, muscle memory, and resiliency, we have more confidence in trying new things on the mat and off the mat too. That’s what this is all about: awakening the strength, awareness, balance, and flexi...
Moving Forward with Flow
Day 6 of the 7-Day Aging Gracefully Series. Today, we flow through some of the postures we have covered so far (and some new ones), noticing how breath and awareness help the transitions. What might you bring with you off the mat as you move through transitions and ease into the flow of life?