Day 11 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.
A short, intermediate to high-intensity circuit-style standing cardio workout, with low impact and knee-friendly options provided.
No equipment is required!
Up Next in Total Body
Benchmark Workout Pt 2
Day 12 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.
It's time to check our progress. Look back at the notes you took on Day 1. Our goal today is to increase the weights for as many exercises as possible. A good rule of thumb when lifting heavier is to aim for a 10% increase in the amount of weight used....
Mobility Flow
Day 16 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.
A restorative, whole-body mobility session. We'll be flowing through pairs of movements performed at a gentle pace, focusing on breath work and range of motion. The perfect follow-up to a challenging strength workout or longer cardio session.
All mov...
Metcon EMOM
Day 17 21-Day Jumpstart Fitness Challenge.
A six-exercise, every-minute-on-the-minute style workout. Move through each exercise required number of reps in less than a minute. The more quickly you complete the task, the bigger the rest break between exercises. Choose dumbbells that are just heav...