If you're looking for a foam rolling workout with some yummy stretches... look no further!
We start with an 11-min total body foam roll, emphasizing the hips and glutes, and then follow it with 11 minutes of stretching.
This is a great routine to do as a recovery workout or after a total body workout, a hike, walk or run.
Tools: foam roller and a yoga tie (or an old necktie or a bathrobe tie will work as well)
Up Next in Stretching & Mobility
Active Recovery Stretches for Flexibi...
Improve your flexibility and mobility with this recovery workout for women over 40.
Perform this on an off day from your training or after a shorter workout.
Implementing this type of training into your regular weekly routine will help injury-proof your body, which will allow you to enjoy your...
Full Body Stretch for Flexibility & M...
This 30-minute all-mat-based stretch session with help improve your flexibility & mobility.
This is the perfect stretch for your recovery (off) day, or to add after a workout to help cool you down.
Day 14 of our 25 in 25 Challenge!!
Tools: a foam chip yoga block or pillow
Lower Body Stretches for Beginners
Lower body stretches for beginners that can be done after a workout, on a recovery day, or when you feel the need to stretch those muscles!
Perfect for beginners and the inflexible.
Day 21 of our 25 in 25 Challenge, and it's a keeper!!
Tools: yoga tie (or use a towel or your bathrobe tie)