This quick, yet effective, ab workout will target your lower abs. Now, itโs important to point out that as far as biology is concerned, there are no upper abs and lower abs. There are just abs, or more specifically in this case, the rectus abdominis or "six-pack muscle.
The rectus abdominis is one large sheath of muscle that runs from your sternum to the bottom of your pelvis and sits atop the rest of your core muscles and directly below your skin. This is why it is the most visible muscle of your midsection.
Now, we can "isolate" the lower fibres (even though it's all one muscle) because our muscle cells have multiple nuclei - with each nuclei telling that particular muscle fibre to contract. Most traditional ab exercises (ie. crunches, bicycle crunches, oblique crossovers) stimulate the upper nuclei. In this workout, I'll teach you how to effectively target the lower abs.
However, remember you can't spot reduce either. Meaning that these exercises will not burn the fat from your lower belly. To efficiently burn fat you need to be on a calorie deficit diet (consistently), manage your stress, get enough sleep every night, strength train regularly AND do these types of workouts.
PS - sorry, these are not osteoporosis-friendly
1 x 50ec
Reverse crunch
Mountain climber w/ posterior tilt
Reverse crunch hand swipes
Seated knee lifts
Reverse crunch to leg lowering
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