Stephanie's Ankle Rehab Series

Stephanie's Ankle Rehab Series

A rolled ankle is a common injury, and in this three-part series, Stephanie will guide you from your first week of injury to strengthening the ankle to get you back to your regular workouts. Level 3 workout is also a great prehab workout to add before or after a workout or walk if you want to injury-proof your ankle joints.

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Stephanie's Ankle Rehab Series
  • How to Use The Rehab/Prehab Series

    How to use our different levels in our rehab series and recommended times a week and when to progress to the next level.

  • REHAB SERIES Ankle Level 1

    The rolled ankle is one of the most common injuries that most of you experience at some point in your life. But just because it happens a lot, that doesn’t mean it’s not still important to rehabilitate! I hear it all the time - I just rolled my ankle; it’s no big deal it’ll get better on its own....

  • REHAB SERIES Ankle Level 2

    Depending on the severity of your ankle sprain (it can range from grade I - III) or ankle fracture, you may be able to move onto level 2 by week 2, or it could be week 4 or 6.

    Before progressing to this video, Week 1 exercises should feel pain-free and easy. Now, you should be able to walk norm...

  • REHAB SERIES Ankle Level 3

    You’re walking normally, going up and down curbs and stairs with ease, and feeling great overall, but you want to work towards your return to your sport or regular workout routine. This is the video for you!

    Now that we are doing higher-level exercises, I recommend you do this video about 4-5x/...