HIIT & Tabata Workouts
This all-standing Tabata cardio workout is perfect for beginners... and advanced. That's right, no matter where you are in your fitness journey you will SWEAT in this workout!
On the main screen, I am teaching a beginner's Tabata workout, with an alternate screen in the corner showing you the advanced interpretation of the move, or what I call ""the spicier version"".
So, if you are int/adv I challenge you to see if you can do the whole spicey version of the workout. Let me know how you do!
Tools: nothing
Up Next in HIIT & Tabata Workouts
All Standing Low Impact HIIT for Osteo
Workout #2 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
All standing cardio workout.
Tools: none
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this:
Low Impact Tabata for Osteo
Workout #7 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
It's cardio time!
Tools: nothing
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this:
Mini Tabata with Stretch
Workout #14 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Program
This is a short low impact cardio workout, followed by an extended stretch. You will love it!
Tools: a chair
For after-workout stretches if you have Osteo, please follow this: