

Amy Ku is a pharmacist and a health coach. She holds a fellowship with the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine, and she is also a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine. She loves to help clients with chronic diseases discover the root causes of illness, then guide them to resolve the causes through an integrative approach.

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  • Osteoporosis- What is it

    Osteoporosis Ep. 1

    Worldwide, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years and 1 in 5 men will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. Statistically, if an older person breaks his or her hip, there is a higher chance of dying in the first-year post-fracture because of complications from t...

  • Osteoporosis - Symptoms

    Osteoporosis Ep. 2

    How can I have osteoporosis, you may wonder? I don't feel any different…except I broke a bone just tripping over the sidewalk. Typically, there are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss.
    But once your bones have been weakened by osteoporosis, you might have a few tell...

  • Osteoporosis - Treatment

    Osteoporosis Ep. 3

    What pharmacological treatments are typically prescribed for osteoporosis?

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other health care services. No pharmacist-patient r...

  • Osteoporosis Prevention

    Osteoporosis Ep. 4

    Learn what the best preventative measures are for osteoporosis and how to keep building the density and quality of your bones.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or...

  • What is Menopause & Andropause?

    Hormones Ep. 1

    Understand terminologies used in the diagnosis of menopause. Find out what exactly is menopause, peri-menopause, and post-menopause. And do men go through menopause?

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practic...

  • Biology & Hormones

    Hormones Ep 2

    Find out what happens to your biology and hormones with the onset of menopause. Why your progesterone declines first, then estrogen follows. How are adrenal glands involved in sex hormone production? Understand the pattern for testosterone decline in ageing men.

    Disclaimer: The...

  • Symptoms with Menopause & Andropause

    Hormones Ep. 3

    This segment lists some of the symptoms you may experience during menopause and andropause. Symptoms of menopause are different for each person, depending on many factors including other hormones, your lifestyle, and stress levels. Men also have andropause symptoms.


  • HRT - Should You Use It?

    Hormones Ep 4

    Don’t be afraid of Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT is the most effective therapy for addressing menopausal symptoms, and HRT helps with osteoporosis prevention. HRT is not just about estrogen and progesterone, other hormones must be considered at the same time. Most people...

  • Supplements to Support Menopause & Andropause

    Hormones Ep 5

    Aside from prescription for HRT, there are other ways to support the menopausal phase. This segment discusses some commonly used supplements to support estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. As with any prescription, it would be wise to understand where you need support before...

  • Lifestyle Tips to Manage Menopause & Andropause

    Hormones Ep. 6

    Eating habits and exercise have significant impact on your hormones and the body’s response to menopause. Can eating more vegetables help reduce menopausal symptoms? Absolutely. Even your gut microbiome has great control over estrogen. And to have health gut microbiome, one ne...

  • Sleep & Menopause and Andropause

    Hormones Ep. 7

    Watch this video to see how sleep is linked to menopause and andropause. Sleep is one the most important acts of self-care, especially during menopause. Not getting enough quality sleep during menopause or andropause can make your symptoms worse.

    Disclaimer: These videos are ...

  • Hypertension - What is it

    High Blood Pressure/Hypertension Ep. 1

    1 in 4 adults have hypertension, and an additional 1 in 5 adults have pre-hypertension. AND, hypertension is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. A better understanding of this disease will help you to prevent an...

  • How Do You Know You Have High Blood Pressure?

    High Blood Pressure/Hypertension Ep 2

    When you go to your doctor and your doctor says your blood pressure is 138/80. What do these numbers mean to you? Learn what the numbers mean and what you should be paying attention to.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purp...

  • How To Evaluate Hypertension

    High Blood Pressure/Hypertension Ep. 3

    While hypertension is commonly known as the silent killer, and often there are no symptoms until the damage is done, there are symptoms you need to aware of, as well as steps you can take to keep yourself educated.
    Disclaimer: These videos are intended fo...

  • Hypertension - Diagnosis

    High Blood Pressure/Hypertension Ep. 4

    Did you know that if you have high blood pressure, just by decreasing systolic pressure by 5mm mercury could reduce stroke deaths by 14%, and CHD by 9%, and premature death by 7%? Learn about what your diagnosis means and how low blood pressure also needs t...

  • Treatment for High Blood Pressure

    High Blood Pressure Ep 5

    Learn what medications and lifestyle changes you can make to help you manage high blood pressure.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other health care serv...

  • Osteoarthritis - What is it

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 1

    Osteoarthritis is commonly thought of as an “old person” disease. That is, until you have it. Are you just getting old as your doctor says, or is there something else going on? Learn more with our 6 part osteoarthritis series.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for ge...

  • Osteoarthritis Causes

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 2

    We often think of osteoarthritis as a progressive disease of “ageing”. But it is not solely caused by ‘ageing’. Learn what other reasons osteoarthritis can happen, and at any age.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not co...

  • Osteoarthritis Risk Factors

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 3

    Healthy joints can become osteoarthritic because of the body’s failed attempt to repair damaged joint tissues. For most people, this damage can occur when otherwise healthy joints are exposed to heavy workloads over a long period of time.

    However, for some individuals whos...

  • Osteoarthritis - Treatment

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 4

    While there is currently no cure for OA, there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve function.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other health care serv...

  • Osteoarthritis - Understanding Your Pain

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 5

    Further, understand OA pain, and treatments to help manage your pain.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other health care services. No pharmacist-patient rel...

  • Osteoarthritis - Prevention & Management

    Osteoarthritis Ep. 6

    Learn what certain lifestyle changes can help you improve your joint health and prevent OA.

    Disclaimer: These videos are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute the practice of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other health care services. No ...