Stronger Knees - Quad & Hamstring Strengthening
In this workout, you'll learn how crucial the quadriceps and hamstrings are in maintaining knee stability and how building their strength can support overall joint health.
This routine is carefully curated to ensure each exercise reinforces these key muscle groups, optimizing performance while minimizing the risk of injuries and joint overuse. With straightforward instructions and demonstrations, this workout is perfect for all levels.
Day 19 - 30-Day Osteoporosis Fitness Program.
Tools: access to a wall, moderate & heavy dumbbells
Bone builder:
3 x 10 1-legged hops
3 x 40sec
Supported 1-legged deadlift
Supported 1-legged deadlift
3x 40sec
Split squat (alt: deficit lunge)
Split squat (alt: deficit lunge)
3 x 40sec
Sumo deadlift
1.5 racked squat