Strengthen your glutes (the good ol' booty) and the important side glute muscles in this strength workout. There is no cardio, but your heart rate may get up there!
Because this is a strength workout, it's important that you have dumbbells that are heavy enough to be challenging for you. I will cue you throughout the workout as to when in our set it should be getting challenging and what to do if it's not.
And just an FYI: my glutes were feeling it the next day!
Day 18 of the Unstoppable Challenge.
Tools: booty band, a couple of pairs of heavy dumbbells, STEP/BOSU/yoga block (optional), something to hold onto (wall, pc of furniture)
4 x 40sec
Banded glute med pressbacks
Banded glute med pressbacks
Rear leg elevated glute lunge
Rear leg elevated glute lunge