Side Body Series
10'ish Minutes
Day 6: Today we target the side bodies as we work into side planks. We will journey together through a series of activating poses - modifying as needed.
This practice will be on the floor - so a mat is recommended and possibly a folded towel or blanket if you need extra padding.
Up Next in 10'ish Minutes
Strengthen Your Core with Jenn
Day 7: You have made it to the last day! Today, we revisit some of the fave exercises from the last week and build upon them. You're ready to go out into the world with stability and confidence!
This practice will be on the floor - so a mat is recommended and possibly a folded towel or blanket ...
Post-Workout Stretch
Day 8: Encourage greater flexibility and range of motion, boost blood flow, and release muscle tension in this rejuvenating total-body stretch session designed for post-workout. You'll use a stool to assist with deep hip openers, then move to the mat for folds, twists, and stretches for your uppe...
Fitness Assessment
Pre-Day 1: Join me while I lead you through a fitness assessment to get a baseline of your cardiorespiratory fitness, core strength, lower and upper body muscle endurance and mobility of your hips and thoracic spine.
This is our starting point for the Muscle Hustle Challenge (Vol 1 & 2) and at ...